I'm So Random, I follow myself...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

New Director addresses the Fans

As many of you heard ,we finally have a director for Breaking Dawn, Bill Condon of Dreamgirls and Gods and Monters, fame. Apparently, this is a director who has done a little homework before accepting the job. On the Twilight face book page, he wrote a note to all the fans!

I love the fact that he greeted all of us...

"Greetings Twihards, Twifans, Twilight Moms, Team Edward, Team Jacob and Team Switzerland"

I know I fit in a few of those categories, LOL!

I love how he has described his research...

"I'm pretty busy bringing myself up to speed on what you already know by heart: I've read BREAKING DAWN twice, rewatched Catherine's and Chris's movies 2-3 times each, have all four CDs playing in my car, and have Catherine's notebook, Mark Cotta Vaz's companion books, and even Volume 1 of the graphic novel here on my desk - a corner of my office is starting to look like Hot Topic. I realize that this barely qualifies me for "newborn" status in the universe you've been living inside for a few years now, but a guy's gotta start somewhere."

Would love to see a picture of that desk...

So, for now we must sit back and wait. I for one, will be antsy through this whole process, as said before, this one is my baby. I love Breaking Dawn the most out of the series and I look forward to seeing what Condon can do with this final book.

My ultimate wish is for the book to be broken into two films. I feel that too much would be left out if they did one at 2 2/1 hours of show time. I've sat through three hour long movies before but I honestly don't think Breaking Dawn should be one of them. The book flows from chapter to chapter, from Book one to Book two to Book three, nothing is left out. Meyer brought the whole story full circle till the last page.

With that said, I'm waiting...

To see the whole note, visit the Twilight Saga Face Book page here:!/twilight?ref=ts

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