I'm So Random, I follow myself...

Monday, May 17, 2010

Jazzing up thy Blog....

So, I was thinking... Yes I do that, LOL, that I needed to jazz up my blog. I am hopeless when it comes to editing the page, back ground that is, so I decided to pick themes out for each day of the week!

I will still gather news, dates and pictures of our beloved Twilight series but my passion goes beyond the series, in regards to movies, music and other things.

So with out further ado... here's the first in the making!!!

Mondays: Movie Monday - where I will showcase a favorite of mine and any news that I see in the theater.

Tuesday: Twilight Tuesday - of course I need to give one day towards my obsession. News, dates, videos (old and new) and of course stills.

Wednesday: Loud Ass Wednesday - where I will showcase a favorite band, artist, or soundtrack - basically any music along with concerts that I may venture to.

Thursday: Thirsty Thursday - this will be picture day! Hence the name, pictures that excited the mind and makes you thirsty for more. LOL

Friday: Vent Friday - trust me... it will be interesting, venting that is.

So I hope you will join me, five days a week and leave a comment! I love hearing from all my followers!