I'm So Random, I follow myself...

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well, yesterday, we had an exciting day in the Twi World!!

Lets see... Where do I began?

Kellan Lutz has officially joined Twitter and his following is around the 36,000 mark and counting!! He also tweeted yesterday that he was in St. Bernard Parish building houses with the St. Bernard Project. WooHoo, Twilight in NOLA!

Then we get some awesome news on the fourth and final installment of Stephanie Meyer's vampire series, Breaking Dawn. Summit released information that the production is a GO and that Bill Condon, known for "Dreamgirls" and "Gods and Monsters" will be directing the final film.

Unfortunate, they did not release if the movie would be broken down into 2 films or combined into 1! So... I feel that in order to capture the full potential of finishing this amazing story and capture the end, they need to split the film into 2 films. I hope Summit realizes this and that the fans, me included does not want this to end!!! LOL

I don't know much about Condon. I have seen "Dreamgirls". It's a musical based on the stage version. However, I have never seen "Gods and Monsters", so before I pass judgment on him, I guess a little trip to the video store is in my future, so I can get an idea if Condon is the "Right" director for Breaking Dawn?

And for the final bit of news... Billy Burke is also in the city... He tweeted out this morning that he had been busy all week here in New Orleans! Twilight has really invaded my beloved city!!

So with all this spinning in my head, I can only say, LET THE PARTY BEGAN!!!

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