I'm So Random, I follow myself...

Sunday, June 27, 2010


For some odd reason I thought I was close to 100 post... Well this is # 94 so I'm almost there, LOL!

As a special treat for posting so much, I wanted to feature my followers in my 100th post!

So here's what ya need to do:

I am looking for Eclipse movie reviews from everybody!! That's right, we only have like 48 hours or something yet for this epic movie to come alive for us.

I want to know your thoughts! Was Slade the right Director for this one? Was the plot there from the beginning? Was it too fast paced, slow or just right? What was your favorite scene? What did they leave out? True to the Book? Was this one better than the 1st 2?

Just to name a few... But this is your call... Tell me what "YOU" thought of the movie!

Please submit all reviews by July 5th... the post will be on my blog on July 9th!

Here's the addy to send to :

I can't wait to hear what you guys have to say!!! Thanks again for participating!!!

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