I'm So Random, I follow myself...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

IT'S FEATHERS!!!!!!!!!!

So Turkey day started out like every day... I was up at 5am, the butt crack of dawn, made my coffee, scratched my ass but started to cook a 14 pound turkey for the festivity of the day. Through out the day, I made it be known where I was in my cooking frezny that was me and I even had a Epic Twitter day as well... 

I hit 20,000 tweets today! Yea Me! Throws a party! I wonder if that is why peeps follow me or do they actually enjoy what I have to say???

Anyhoo, through out the morning I kept checking back to see how everyone's day was going and came across a tweet about "feathers". I was like WTF? What Feathers???? And low and behold, 10 of my awesomest, amazingest, bestest friends tweeted me back with this little dandy of a pic......

According to Twitter, Director Bill Condon gave us a little present this Thanksgiving day and tweeted the pic through Twilight's tweeter account. Isn't it awesome... this year long wait is going to KILL ME!!! 

Now all we need is a BROKEN HEADBOARD for Christmas and this year will be AMAZING!!!!! 


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